FB Mecasystem

Access control and entrance security

Wide choice of physical access controls and pedestrian barriers. Heavy duty tripods, PRM gates, full-height turnstiles, PNG, design speedgates and speed lanes, automatic revolving doors…

Tripod turnstiles

Tripod turnstiles

Full-height turnstiles

Full-height turnstiles

Entrance control and fast lanes

Entrance control and fast lanes

Additional equipment

Additional equipment

Access control and security


  • FB Mecasystem’s entrance control products are essential for controlling pedestrian access for visitors and staff, in private and public buildings and spaces.
  • Our pedestrian barriers, tripods, gates and automatic passageways are designed to be aesthetically pleasing and sturdy, to fit in perfectly with both the most traditional and the most demanding interiors.
    Tripods and tripod turnstiles for outdoor areas
  • Our tripod turnstiles, available in one or two legged versions, have been designed to be durable and effective, both indoors and outdoors; suitable for heavy traffic accesses requiring a moderate level of security.
  • Compatible with all identification systems Our entire range of rapid passageways and automatic gates is compatible with all types of electronic identification and access control systems on the market: ALCEA, UPROX, VAUBAN, TIL Technologies, NEDAP, etc…
  • Elegance, technology and security Other physical access control equipment, our elegant range of high-speed lanes and automatic gates, is highly appreciated for its elegance, technological and security capabilities and is perfectly suited for high traffic areas requiring a moderate to demanding level of security. Our access control equipment also includes strict anti-vandal control solutions such as full-height turnstiles, airlocks and single-person corridors for industry and logistics or glass revolving doors, an aesthetic alternative for access to administrative and sensitive buildings.



An access control system is a physical device called a pedestrian or vehicle barrier that is linked to an electronic access management system. The identification medium must not be duplicable, it can be activated or deactivated remotely and allows the history of the holder’s access, which no key allows. In addition, the key can be easily used in case of loss or theft.

Le contrôle d’accès est un dispositif physique et électronique qui permet de contrôler les accès d’un bâtiment ou d’un espace : nul besoin de serrure ou de clé, l’autorisation d’accès se fait par présentation d’un badge magnétique, commande RFID, biométrie ou reconnaissance faciale.

Un système de contrôle d’accès est un dispositif physique appelé obstacle piéton ou véhicule asservi à un système de gestion électronique des ces accès. Le support d’identiication ne doit pas être duplicable, il peut être activé ou désactivé à distance et permet l’historique des accès du détenteur, ce qu’aucune clé ne permet. De plus la clé est facilement utilisable en cas de perte ou de vol.

Access control is a physical and electronic device that controls access to a building or space: there is no need for a lock or key, access is authorized by presentation of a magnetic badge, RFID control, biometry or facial recognition.

A global security policy aims to define: the level of security, the safety and security devices, the operational organization, the internal and external operators

« Availability ensures that authorized users of a system have fast and uninterrupted access to the information contained in that system, as well as to the network. … The following are the methods by which this availability is achieved: Fair distribution. … . High availability. … . Redundancy. « 

Access control is a fundamental component of the overall protection of a building or business by controlling access to its data, assets and occupants.

A way to filter and manage individuals Access control is the best way to secure a place or part of a place: it protects individuals, tangible or intangible assets, and premises.

Best practices for setting up an access control system Check the validity of accesses regularly and renew them automatically. Track only useful data and only when necessary by limiting the history to authorized members and by defining a detailed rights perimeter.

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